Exams are a great strategy to earn credit if you are comfortable with standardized exams and have prior knowledge of the exam subject area. NOTE, these tests do not replace the required upper division core courses.
Warner Pacific serves as a test center for DSST exams. Each institution independently creates exam calendars and proctors exams; DSST has no record of this information until each exam is launched in our computer lab and results are transmitted 在线.
外围博彩平台不提供CLEP考试. For students needing to take a CLEP exam, please visit the 美国大学理事会网站 寻找波特兰地区的地点.
请 contact CLEP or DSST with questions regarding your exam or your scores.
- 电话:1-800-257-9558 (clep.美国大学.org)
- 电话:1-877-471-9860 (getcollegecredit.com)
DSST exams are available for 在线 registration. 请 click “next” after reviewing the testing fee information (which will also be in your confirmation email).
请与PGS记录办公室联系 pgsrecords@bddorpon24.net 或致电503-517-1567咨询.
- $25 nonrefundable site fee due at least two weeks prior to the testing day
- $100 testing fee payable on testing day (by credit card only)
Pay site fees 在线, by phone, through the mail, or in person.
请 note: Your seat will be reserved after confirmation of site fee payment is received from Student Financial Services.
在线支付: http://warnerpacific.regfox.com/online-payment-form
Phone payment: 请 contact Student Financial Services at 503-517-1207.
Mail to: Warner Pacific, Student Financial Services, 2219 SE 68th 大街.俄勒冈州波特兰97215
请 be aware that you are responsible for selecting the correct exam, 由你和你的学术顾问决定.
- If you are uncertain which exam you should select, please contact your Academic Advisor before confirming your exam registration.
- 不确定你的学术顾问是谁? Contact us at 503-517-1550 to be directed to the right person.
外围博彩平台 and its employees are not responsible if you choose an incorrect exam. Your Academic Advisor’s responsibility is to assist you with the setting, 规划, and reaching educational goals but the final responsibility for meeting all academic and graduation requirements rests with you.
You will be taking your exam at the following location:
波特兰,OR 97215
You will receive a confirmation email that will include information about the exam fees.